In July, I gave you 7 advanced exercise modifications. Two months later, I came back with another 7 exercise modifications for new growth. Well, today you hit the jackpot with 7 more exercise modifications. Line up those triple 7s and you’ve got a winning physique! Neutral-Grip Chin-Ups You know you’re supposed to vary the grip…
In the strength world, you have volume proponents (VPs) and intensity proponents (IPs). The VPs push multiple sets as the optimal method to train, and the IPs insist that one set taken to the utter limit is more than enough. This debate has been going on for years and to be honest, both camps have…
Give a guy a set of dumbbells and tell him to curl them. Without even thinking about it, he’d grip those dumbbells right in the middle of the handles and with his palms facing upward, he’d go at it. Now, tell him to lay back and press them, and I guarantee you that his palms…