Aerobic and resistance exercise do not mix… or do they? Contrary to popular belief, doing aerobic work around strength training can be beneficial. The timing depends on the goal: If the goal is fat loss, do aerobic exercise after resistance exercise. Do the strength work while you’re fresh, then right after you’ve depleted your glucose…

Albert Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. There are many examples of insane traditions in the health and fitness world. Here are some that come to mind…   Insane Nutrition Tradition We’re told to eat less to lose weight, so people restrict their calories…

The number one reason that people exercise is to lose weight, and aerobic activity is crucial for that… Right? Sure, you’ll lose weight, but at what expense? If you do an excessive amount of aerobic work, rest assured that you’ll catabolize muscle tissue, and the less muscle you have, the lower your metabolic rate will…

Some people have black hair, some people have blonde hair, and some people have no hair. Some people are tall and some people are short. Some people have dark skin and some people have light skin. Some people are bow-legged, others are knock-kneed. Although the hardware may look different, the operating software (OS) is quite…

In life we take many things for granted. People are told to go on a low fat diet and do some aerobic training, and yet they still gain body fat. Your blood work shows slightly altered cholesterol and thyroid levels and right away you’re told to go on medication. The trainer at your local gym…