With the recent gym closures, many people have been forced to train at home. You can target most of the major muscles with limited equipment except for the soleus, one of the main muscles of the calf. The calf is comprised primarily of two muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The gastrocnemius is heavily involved…

For many people, lower leg training truly is “the seventh stranger!” Even if the back side gets worked occasionally, the front often gets overlooked. I guess most people just don’t give a “shin” about it! That’s a mistake! All kidding aside, the gastrocnemius and the soleus (the two major calf muscles) will receive some occasional…

Stubborn calves are either bored calves, they’ve “been there, done that” and refuse to grow, or they’re lost calves, they’ve been searching for the hidden treasure in murky waters but have yet to find it. Either way, these calves need some new and novel methods to encourage growth and there are quite a few to…

Calves are stubborn. They’re like that boxer with an iron chin. If you want some “knockout” growth, you need to hit them hard with methods that work, you need to hit them from all angles, and you need to hit them often. Only then will you win the battle with your fiercest foe. Let’s take…

Your calves are composed of two main muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The gastrocnemius is the outer diamond-shaped muscle at the back of your lower leg that’s comprised of two heads: a lateral head and a medial head. It’s the muscle that you see when you flex your calf. The soleus is a thick,…

In my small home gym, I have three dedicated machines for calf training: a standing calf raise unit that goes up to 600 pounds, a seated calf raise machine, and a step platform equipped with a handle for one-leg calf raises. These are the sort of machines that you see in large commercial gyms, but…