Chin-ups and dips are two of the best strength training exercises you can do, but most people have a hard time doing them. They’re a challenge for both males and females no matter how many years of exercise experience! Remember, there’s a difference between exercising and training. Exercising to sweat and burn calories with no…

Chin-ups are difficult for most people to do, especially for females. The average number of chin-ups a female can do is zero. A lack of strength and poor body composition are two of the main reasons, but the one that tops the list is perception. Most females perceive that they can’t perform a chin-up and…

What happens when guys train with other guys? Often, the weight starts to pile on the bar and form gets thrown out the window! “It’s all you, Bro. I’m barely touching it!” says your training partner while he deadlifts the bar off your chest. Out of a set of ten on the bench press, you…