If you haven’t read Shawn Buckley’s article The Taxation of Supplements, do yourself a favour and check it out. Buckley makes some excellent points in that piece, such as the following: “We don’t pay to see our medical doctors, but we pay to see natural practitioners.” “There is no GST [tax] on prescription drugs, but…

Warning: This is not one of my typical training-related blog posts. If you’re looking for information that will help your career as a fitness professional, personal trainer, or strength coach, don’t go any further. But if you’re interested in an experience that may help you as a human being, read on… It was the summer…

In life we take many things for granted. People are told to go on a low fat diet and do some aerobic training, and yet they still gain body fat. Your blood work shows slightly altered cholesterol and thyroid levels and right away you’re told to go on medication. The trainer at your local gym…