If your knees or low back are killing you from all the stay-at-home sitting, keep this in mind: every pound you carry out front is 7 on your back and 5 on your knees. Instead of relying on immune-suppressing painkillers, strengthening your joints and losing some weight may be the best medicine for you! How…

Wednesday evening my 16-year-old client Amanda came limping into the gym. She rolled her ankle that morning during a field hockey game. The coach told her to rest it and put ice on it immediately. In the afternoon, Amanda went to see a chiropractor who did some ultrasound and electronic muscle stimulation on her ankle….

Stretching can be used as a diagnostic to test for possible impingement of spinal nerves. Straight leg raising, for instance, is often performed to stretch the hamstrings and calves, but it can also test for sciatic nerve irritation as outlined in the text Modern Principles of Athletic Training by Daniel Arnheim. “Straight leg raising (affected…