As I mention in my article Radical Methods of Injury Rehabilitation, the standard procedure for most injuries involves anti-inflammatories and painkillers along with RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Normally, what do I recommend? Almost the exact opposite! No rest and no compression, use movement with traction instead. According to Dr. Tim McKnight (2010), rest…
Before you read on, watch this video: Now, you may be asking yourself—what’s the big deal? A few chin-ups, so what? Well, those few chin-ups were a big deal to me. That was the first set of supinated-grip chins I performed after my distal biceps surgery. Trust me, it’s been on my mind ever since….
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure The best way to deal with an injury is to prevent one from happening in the first place. Here are some suggestions to help keep you injury-free in the gym: The same logic applies to performing your favorite exercises every program… you know, the ones…