Beyond Reps: The Trainer’s Hidden Effort

The role of a personal trainer goes far beyond the gym floor. Clients often take for granted how much energy and behind-the-scenes work a trainer does during a typical workout until the trainer isn’t there, and they have to do it themselves. Many clients in that situation complain they get tired just loading and unloading the bar!

During in-person workouts, I’m constantly on the move—setting up equipment, adjusting weights, and providing hands-on guidance. This seamless flow of the session hides the effort required to ensure a smooth and effective workout experience.

With the shift towards virtual consultations, the dynamics change, but the energy output remains significant. Even when I’m conducting a session in front of my computer, I’m constantly engaged. It’s a tendency of mine to shake my legs, which recent research shows can significantly increase energy expenditure. Plus, I incorporate “exercise snacks” between virtual sessions to stay active throughout the day.

The effort doesn’t end with the session. Preparing for upcoming consultations, reviewing client progress, and refining training plans all require dedication and energy. I’d love for someone to do a study to determine how much energy a personal trainer expends on a typical working day. I bet it’s quite high!

So, whether on the gym floor or through a screen, the commitment to enhancing a client’s fitness journey is unwavering. Let’s not overlook the unseen effort—the dedication, passion, energy, and support that defines the essence of personal training.

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