Keeping Up with Current and Not-So-Current Research (Part 4)

Research can provide important information to health and fitness professionals, but trying to keep up with it all can be overwhelming! Not to worry, I’ve done the legwork for you. Here are some current and not-so-current findings that I think you’ll find interesting.


Go to Failure

“These data demonstrate that fatigue during resistance exercise training is unrelated to load or TUT [time under tension] when resistance exercise is performed until volitional failure. In addition, significant motor unit activation occurs when resistance exercise is performed until volitional failure even at lower loads and, although amplitude may be higher with heavier loads, the total (integrated) EMG response is greater during resistance exercise using lighter loads.”


Note: Here’s yet another study demonstrating that the most important variable for muscle hypertrophy is performing at least one set to failure.

Early Jumping for Stronger Bones

“Jumping interventions during childhood and adolescence improve bone mineral content, density and structural properties without side effects. These types of interventions should be therefore implemented when possible in order to increase bone mass in early stages of life, which may have a direct preventive effect on bone diseases like osteoporosis later in life.”


Note: I couldn’t agree more! If you want your children to have strong bones, let them jump to their hearts’ content, and let them lift weights as I talked about on Perfect Fit many years ago.

Strong Body, Strong Mind

“Physical exercise improved cognitive function in the over 50s, regardless of the cognitive status of participants.”


Note: I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “A sound mind in a sound body.” With the right approach, bodybuilding can be one of the best things you do for your body, mind, and spirit. Check out this great TED talk given by Charles Eugster on the topic.


Boron Supplementation Raises Testosterone

“This must be the first human study report to show an increased level of free testosterone after boron consumption.”


Note: Boron supplementation has many benefits – raising testosterone is one of them. I take it for another reason as well: It helps me deal with my nutritional vice.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this 4-part series on current and not-so-current research. Remember, “in vitro” does not mean “in vivo” – in other words, what happens in a test tube does not necessarily happen in a body, or put another way: what happens in a laboratory does not necessarily happen in real life! Research leaves clues. How you apply those clues is what really counts.

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