Lean and Mean: Fat-Loss and Muscle-Building Strategies for Men and Women


Lean and Mean is the latest industry-leading fitness guide for both men and women. Using case studies from his own experiences as a personal trainer, fitness expert John Paul Catanzaro gives the inside scoop on the exact strategies, techniques, and programming he uses to get his clients incredible results. John Paul reveals the secrets to success – how to match your nutrition to your unique body type, time your meals to optimize your metabolism, and get your body moving on a schedule that gets results without depleting your energy levels.

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Lean and Mean is the latest industry-leading fitness guide for both men and women. Using case studies from his own experiences as a personal trainer, fitness expert John Paul Catanzaro gives the inside scoop on the exact strategies, techniques, and programming he uses to get his clients incredible results. John Paul reveals the secrets to success – how to match your nutrition to your unique body type, time your meals to optimize your metabolism, and get your body moving on a schedule that gets results without depleting your energy levels.

Whether you’re looking to put on muscle, or finally lose that extra 20lbs of belly fat, Lean and Mean will put you on the fast-track to success with expert advice and proven programming that gets results!

Without a doubt, most people hire me to help them lose weight. Of course, they want to gain some muscle in the process, but they really want to lose fat. They want the inches to melt off and their body to firm up so they can look great in their jeans and great on the beach! And by the way, it’s not just your average sedentary individual that has these goals, it’s also active individuals, athletes, models, and quite often personal trainers.

Fact is, I get just as many personal trainers coming to the studio to get lean than I do anyone else. Most trainers recognize that their success relies on the success of their programs. If you wish to be in the game for a long period of time, you better get results! And most trainers know that they need to practice what they preach, but you can’t just play the part, you must look the part too. If you’re a trainer and you’re out of shape, you won’t be a trainer for long!

Understanding the key concepts of program design is important, but that’s only one aspect to consider. You’ve heard the saying, “Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym!” You must address sound nutrition principles to truly make progress. Supplementation is also important, but not the way many experts do it where they inundate their clients with a million products. That doesn’t work in the long run. Instead, the focus should be on key supplements at key times to meet the specific needs of the individual. Make it simple, convenient, and relatively inexpensive. That’s what works in the long run.

And talking about the long run, doing excessive aerobic work and following the Canada’s food guide or US food pyramid (like we were taught when I was in school) doesn’t work if you wish to sustain long-term changes in body composition. Trust me, I’ve been in the business for 20+ years. I’ve tried many approaches along the way, and I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t work. Over the years, I’ve been able to refine a system of training and eating that works!

Lean and Mean is my new ebook that covers diet, supplementation, and training protocols for men and women of all levels. I reveal several case studies that will educate and inspire you. There’s an in-depth discussion on program design, and you’ll learn many of the trade secrets that the experts use to get their clients “lean and mean” in a short period of time. All of this for under $10! Get your copy today…

Also Available on Amazon Kindle!


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