An offset grip, sometimes referred to as an “off-center” grip, is often used during arm curls to increase activation of the short (medial) head of the biceps. The same concept can be applied to lateral raises. By using an offset grip—where the thumb and index finger are positioned against the front plate of the dumbbell—you get greater recruitment of the posterior (rear) head of the deltoid.

A common cue for this exercise is to pronate the forearms while raising the dumbbells, as if pouring a pitcher of water. However, this can lead to subacromial impingement or shoulder pain. By using an offset grip instead, you can effectively alter the loading without changing the mechanics or motion.
In simple terms, the back end of the dumbbell becomes a little heavier, forcing the rear delts to work harder. This area is typically weak in most individuals and requires greater attention. Balanced shoulder development and strength improve stability, enhance joint integrity, and reduce injury risk—all while helping build bigger, fuller deltoids with a more three-dimensional look.
To take it a step further, attach a PlateMate to the rear plate only (closest to your pinky). This will make the back end of the dumbbell even heavier, further emphasizing rear deltoid activation.