Success Leaves Clues

Let’s look at the training routines of some of the top names during the golden era of bodybuilding. Each one of these champions had a strong body part. See if you can spot any similarities between the routines.

Arnold Schwarzenegger – Arm Routine

1. Cheat Barbell Curl 6 x 6
2. Seated Dumbbell Curl 6 x 6
3. Concentration Curl 6 x 10
4. Triceps Pressdowns 6 x 10
5. Barbell French Presses 6 x 8
6. Single-Arm Triceps Stretch 6 x 10

Franco Columbu – Chest Routine

1. Bench Press 7 x 6-8
2. Incline Barbell Press 4 x 6-10
3a. Flat-Bench Dumbbell Flyes 2-3 x 8-12
3b. Parallel-Bar Dips 2-3 x 10-15

Larry Scott – Shoulder Routine

1a. Standing Dumbbell Press 4-5 x 6
1b. Prone Incline Dumbbell Laterals 4-5 x 6-8
1c. Cable Bent Laterals 4-5 x 6-8
2. One-Arm Dumbbell Side Laterals 5 x 8

Sergio Oliva – Back Routine

1. Wide-Grip Chin-Ups 4-6 x 10
2. Close-Grip Chin-Ups 4-5 x 10
3a. Wide-Grip Pulldowns 4 x 6-8
3b. Close-Grip Pulldowns 4 x 6-8
4a. Wide-Grip Pulley Rows 3-4 x 6-8
4b. Close-Grip Pulley Rows 3-4 x 6-8
5a. Wide-Grip Pulldowns 3-4 x 6-8
5b. Close-Grip Pulldowns 3-4 x 6-8
6a. Deadlifts 3-4 x 6-8
6b. Good Mornings 3-4 x 6-8

Casey Viator – Forearm Routine

Day 1
1. Zottman Curls 5 x 6-10
2. Barbell Wrist Curls 5 x 15-20
3. Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls 5 x 15-20

Day 2
1. Barbell Reverse Curls 5 x 6-10
2. One-Arm Dumbbell Wrist Curls 5 x 15-20
3. Supported Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls 5 x 15-20

Tom Platz – Leg Routine

1. Back Squat 2 x 25-50
2. Hack Squat 4 x 20
3. Leg Extension 4 x 20
4. Leg Curl 4 x 20

Chris Dickerson – Calf Routine

1. Seated Calf Raises 3-5 x 25-30
2. Standing Calf Raises 3-5 x 25-30
3. Donkey Calf Raises 3-5 x 25-30

Two aspects of the routines that stand out are volume and exercise selection. First of all, you see many of the big-bang movements like squats, deadlifts, chin-ups, dips, rows, and presses. Yes, there are some cable and machine exercises, but not that much compared to today’s standards.

And talk about volume! Check out the number of exercises and the number of sets these guys performed. Although the rep brackets may have varied somewhat, by the end of the day that’s a ton of reps no matter how you look at it! Remember, I just listed one body part. They may train several a day, and each body part was trained two to three times a week.

Granted, these guys weren’t saints and drugs were in use, but they knew a thing or two back then. Lots of hard work is the key to success!

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