Swiss Ball Side-Lying Dumbbell Lateral Raise

We know that a greater contribution of the supraspinatus is required during the first 15-30 degrees of humeral abduction (which is a technical way of saying “a lateral raise”), and medial deltoid activity peaks at 90-120 degrees. So how do we use this information to our advantage? Well, if you want to stress the supraspinatus fibers more (e.g., during rehab from a rotator cuff repair), then overload the bottom range of the movement. This can be accomplished with side-lying dumbbell laterals done against a Swiss ball, an incline bench, or simply lying on the floor.

Hanging Garhammer Raise

Elevate your core workout with the Hanging Garhammer Raise. Great for targeting the lower abdominal region, this exercise heightens activation

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