Injury Prevention Strategies for Aging Athletes is a seminar that I’ve presented several times over the years to professional organizations like the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), canfitpro, Certified Professional Trainers Network (CPTN), and Ontario Society of Health and Fitness (OSHF). Eventually, that seminar became a webinar and now a book. The book is…

When I was working on my first book, I had no idea what to name it. I consulted with a top marketing and advertising specialist for help and his response was this: “Let the market decide the title for you.” So, that’s exactly what I did! After reviewing the manuscript, searching the market for similar…

My new book, Mass Explosion: Blast Through Your Training Plateaus!, is now available! Mass Explosion is a comprehensive guide to the art and science of building muscle. This book is filled with the latest, most up-to-date information available. Learn how to build massive amounts of muscle, naturally. You can obtain “drug-like” effects without the drugs…

The state of strength training in North America is outdated. We seem to be many years behind the Europeans in this field. Most of the curriculum in our schools today deals with aerobic training spurred by the Dr. Kenneth Cooper movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s. To make matters worse, the value of…

Here are some excerpts from the new book The Elite Trainer: Strength Training for the Serious Professional by John Paul Catanzaro. Visit and pick up your copy today! Sequence Rotation Most successful strength training plans will vary loading parameters on a regular basis. Exercise sequence is one such variable that can be altered between…