I never realized how damaging type 2 diabetes could be until I saw it take the life of a client. The diabetes that I witnessed had absolutely no mercy. It unleashed a vicious attack! My poor client experienced three leg amputations, glaucoma, Parkinson’s disease and was receiving dialysis on a regular basis. He was confined…

Curt Richter was a scientist well ahead of his time. He conducted fascinating studies back in the ’30s and ’40s to demonstrate that specific behaviors contribute to the maintenance of a constant internal environment, or what’s known as “homeostasis”. His research over seventy years ago could have a major impact on the management of diabetes…

A couple in their mid-fifties came to see me earlier this month. They were both overweight and on a slew of medications, and they were both “sick” of it! So they made a New Year’s resolution to restore their health and get off all those drugs. That’s what led them through my door. I met…