Chin-ups and dips are two of the best strength training exercises you can do, but most people have a hard time doing them. They’re a challenge for both males and females no matter how many years of exercise experience! Remember, there’s a difference between exercising and training. Exercising to sweat and burn calories with no…

Amanda and Heather show what hard work, consistency, and proper training can do. It was once a struggle for these ladies to do just one chin-up and dip, but no more! After a bout of eccentric training that ended a few weeks ago, Amanda was able to complete 4 chin-ups and Heather 7 dips. We…

Doing dips on rings will heighten stabilizer activity. If you do a phase of these and then return to parallel-bar dips, you should notice a nice boost in strength. Keep in mind that ring dips are very challenging and should only be performed by advanced trainees. Beginners should start with ring push-ups before they graduate…

That’s 15-year-old Joseph struggling with chin-ups in the first part of the video. The second part shows the results of 5 sessions of eccentric training. How did we improve his performance? First take a look at his program: A1. Mid-Grip Barbell Bench Press: 5 x 5 @ 5-0-X-0, 90sA2. Standing Rope Face Pull: 4 x…

Consider the physique of a top-level gymnast, one who routinely performs dips from the parallel bars or rings, and you’ll appreciate what dips can do for you. But when you go from rigid parallel bars that you find in most gyms to unrestricted gymnastic rings, look out! Your stabilizers are in for a shock. You…