By JP CatanzaroOriginally published: September 23, 2014 – Updated for 2025 Want to boost flexibility, prevent injuries, and optimize performance? Stretching is an essential tool—but only if done correctly. Follow these key do’s and don’ts to stretch smarter, not harder. The Do’s of Effective Stretching ✅ Use Static Stretching to Maintain Flexibility Static stretching (e.g.,…

Research can provide golden information to health & fitness professionals. If you’re a personal trainer, here are some recent findings to help you get ahead of the pack: Recruit Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers for Rehab and Performance “Lovering performed muscle biopsies of the rotator cuff and found the muscles to be comprised of approximately 55-60 percent…

Weight training kills many birds with one stone. It improves strength, power, endurance, cardiovascular health, body composition, balance, and flexibility. Yes, weight training can significantly improve flexibility if it’s performed in a full range of motion and if it’s performed frequently as the following study demonstrates. Effects of different resistance training frequencies on flexibility in…

Too often, research based on pathological populations is extrapolated and applied to healthy individuals. One common example is static core endurance training. Here’s an excerpt from Shinkle et al., 2012 on the topic: In sports, muscular demands vary greatly from athlete to athlete. This makes it very difficult to have one statement that will address…

Static stretching can be useful for increasing joint range of motion (ROM), but for it to be truly effective, you must stretch often. How often? Research indicates that daily stretching is best, and if you can do it multiple times a day, the results are even better. In a study conducted by Cipriani et al….

In order to maximize your results when training for flexibility, certain rules exist. Here are the do’s and don’ts of stretching. THE DO’S DO use static stretching to maintain flexibility. Do I think that the classic Bob Anderson style of static stretching will make serious dents in your flexibility? Perhaps if it’s done multiple times…