Do you want to squat deeper, jump higher, or run faster? Hip isolation work can help your performance in and out of the gym… and as an added bonus, it will firm up your abs and butt in the process! Don’t go too heavy with these exercises. Make sure to keep the core braced and…

Give the hanging-band 90/90 split squat a shot. This unique exercise will ramp up stabilizer activity from the core down, so check your ego at the door and don’t go too heavy. Once you return to conventional split squats, you should experience a noticeable improvement. The key with the 90/90 version is to go straight…

“If it looks right, it flies right!” I once heard an interesting comment from Yusuf Omar, a colleague from York University and one of the technical consultants for my book The Elite Trainer. He said, “An athlete’s glutes should look like half a Calabrese bread standing upright!” Yusuf has worked with Ben Johnson and other…