If you have a muscle group that refuses to grow, you have two options: Let’s break down both strategies and how to apply them effectively. 1. Prioritize the Weak Muscle Group The exercises you perform first in your workout receive the greatest training effect. Most people start with their strongest body parts, but if you…
Let’s look at the training routines of some of the top names during the golden era of bodybuilding. Each one of these champions had a strong body part. See if you can spot any similarities between the routines. Arnold Schwarzenegger – Arm Routine 1. Cheat Barbell Curl 6 x 6 2. Seated Dumbbell Curl 6…
Performing bent-knee deadlifts from a deficit with a wide grip forces you to pull from a deeper starting position, increasing knee flexion and overall range of motion (ROM). Stand on a 4-inch box, step, or three stacked weight plates, and take a wide grip—often called a snatch grip. To determine the correct width, raise your…
Here’s part of my presentation at the 2012 Conference of the Ontario Kinesiology Association.
The following template is inspired from the work of the late Professor Yuri Verkhoshansky, who was a senior track and field coach for the Soviet national team for many years, a pioneer of the shock method of training (known as plyometrics), and an innovator in the area of planning and training periodization. MAXIMUM SIZE METHODS…