Research can provide golden information to health & fitness professionals. If you’re a personal trainer, here are some recent findings to help you get ahead of the pack: One Egg A Day Keeps The Doctor Away “Based on the results of this meta-analysis, consumption of up to one egg daily may contribute to a decreased…

Liver tablets were once a staple with old-school bodybuilders, but their popularity faded toward the end of the 20th century. That’s too bad because this “lost” bodybuilding treasure can help you gain muscle and provide many health benefits. Liver is a superfood that most people are not willing to eat but will take as a…

JP: What type of prescription do you use to detoxify the liver? Dr. S: In my office, I have access to IV administration which is the route I would take if a patient has a drastic liver condition such as hepatitis. However, for a simple detox there are a few requirements: Fix the diet. Make…