Here’s a rack deadlift sequence that starts with less weight lifted through a longer range of motion and ends with more weight through a shorter range of motion. It’s done in three stages: STAGE 1 Set the bar right below the knees on the side supports of a power rack. Position a sturdy step or…

Inserting strategic pauses when lifting weights is a great way to break the inertia and heighten muscular involvement. In particular, pausing in the bottom position helps to dissipate the plyometric or stretch-shortening effect. Think of it as less tendon and more muscle contribution. And if you rest the bar for a good two seconds on…

Walk into any gym and what comes to mind: fake boobs, synthol arms, lipo six-pack, calf implants, or “that guy’s juicing, for sure!” We all do it. You may not say it out loud, but you know you’re thinking it. Implants, synthol, and liposuction are rather recent innovations, but steroids have been around for a…