The Late Cancellation Jar

Not feeling up to a workout?

Do it anyway!

I just had a client walk in dragging her feet. She was sluggish and not really up for training, but she mustered the energy to come in. After just a few sets, her energy and mood improved. She got her second wind and felt refreshed, revived, and motivated. All her lifts were up, and ultimately, she had a great workout.

This happens all the time. Granted, there are occasions where you may need to cut back slightly on volume (not intensity)—usually by reducing the number of sets—but often, you’ll be surprised what a good warm-up can do to change your mood.

In Powerful Sleep, it’s mentioned that one of the worst things to do right after work is to lay on the couch. People end up nodding off, which disrupts their sleep later on. Activity is better than inactivity at this point. Go for a workout, play with your kids, do something—but don’t lay down. You’ll sleep much better when it’s time to retire for the night.

Now, why did my client come in if she wasn’t feeling up to it? Simple—the “late cancellation” deterrent nudged her into the car and to the gym. Without this policy in place, she likely would have stayed home and laid on the couch. The policy is important for the trainer, the client, and other clients as well. Find out why and how to implement it properly in The Business of Personal Training.

If you don’t have a trainer, a simple deterrent to keep you from skipping workouts is the late cancellation jar. Every time you miss a workout for any reason, you must put $100 in a jar. At the end of the month, donate that money to charity—no exceptions! Try it. Grab an empty jar and start now.

Tomorrow, we’ll take a look at how to proceed if you’re feeling sore. Until then, don’t miss a workout—or you’ll pay for it!

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