Wrist Roller Extension and Flexion

The low-pulley wrist roller is a great exercise for the forearm extensors and flexors. Just make sure to have a fire extinguisher nearby!

Here’s where the wrist roller fits in our periodization plan with other forearm exercises:

1. Seated Dumbbell
2. Seated Barbell
3. Incline Dumbbell
4. Wrist Roller High Platform
5. Ulnar Flexion
6. Seated Cable
7. Decline Dumbbell
8. Standing Barbell Behind-the-Back
9. Wrist Roller Low-Pulley
10. Cable Supination

1. Seated Dumbbell
2. Seated EZ-Bar
3. Incline Dumbbell
4. Wrist Roller High Platform
5. Radial Flexion
6. Seated Cable
7. Decline Dumbbell
8. Seated Formulator
9. Wrist Roller Low-Pulley
10. Cable Pronation

These exercises are typically reserved for the remedial “C” position in our upper-body workouts. Learn more in Periodization for Athletes: How to Plan Strength Training for Maximum Performance.

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