Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu used to experiment in the gym to find ways to fix weaknesses. One thing they discovered was that doing squats with a wider stance helped build the inner thighs (check out page 123 of Arnold’s autobiography Total Recall for more details). This is one area that I’ve been focusing on…

Here’s a way to decrease the stress on your shoulders during presses. Next time you’re in the gym, take a look at how people do presses. I bet most of them are using a pronated (palms forward) grip with their elbows flaring way out. That can put a lot of stress on the shoulders and…

Using elastic resistance during a lateral raise is a great way to overload the top range and thus place more emphasis on the medial deltoid. Positioning your feet wider apart on the tube increases the challenge, but eventually one tube may not provide enough resistance. If that’s the case, use two!