It’s been said that “oral health is the window to overall health,” so don’t neglect your teeth and gums. The mouth is a perfect location for opportunistic bacteria, fungi, and viruses to enter your system and cause havoc, which can mess up your plans to become muscular and lean.
Make sure to brush and floss daily, and do coconut oil pulling every once and a while. Basically, just swish some coconut oil in your mouth and between your teeth for 10-20 minutes before you brush, and then spit it out in the trash can (not the sink). It’s a great way to remove bacteria and promote healthy teeth and gums.
In Stop Bullying Your Thyroid, I discuss the importance of using a fluoride-free toothpaste. My particular favorite is Redmond Earthpaste, but there are many good ones out there. You may even want to try a natural tooth powder like the one made by Solay Wellness. Also, consider a toothbrush sanitizer like VIOlight to eliminate unwanted and harmful germs that reside on your toothbrush.
To freshen your breath, consider OraMD drops by Trusted Health Products. If you go on a low-carb or ketogenic diet, you may experience the dreaded acetone breath, also known as “dragon breath!” OraMD is your secret weapon to slay that dragon. Just a few drops/sprays in your mouth when you need it, and look out!