Half Foam Roller Calf Raise

Here’s a tip that may get those stubborn calves to start growing again. Consider it more of a machine modification than an exercise modification. Performing calf raises on a rounded platform will increase the range of motion and give you a greater stretch at the bottom and a greater contraction at the top, and ultimately is more comfortable. You could spend a few bucks and pick up a neat calf block platform made by Body Solid, or you can try this rather inexpensive method. It involves a firm half foam roller and a yoga mat. Wrap the foam roller with a yoga mat to prevent slipping, and then place it on just about any calf machine with a flat platform. That’s all there is to it. Reduce the weight a bit and do them in bare feet. You’ll love the feeling!

Hanging Garhammer Raise

Elevate your core workout with the Hanging Garhammer Raise. Great for targeting the lower abdominal region, this exercise heightens activation

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