Mastering the Bent-Over Cuban Rotation

The bent-over Cuban rotation is a hybrid movement that effectively combines an elbows-out row with an external rotation, making it an essential exercise for shoulder health and strength. This movement is particularly beneficial when incorporated into routines that include incline presses or subscapularis (lean-away) pull-ups.

How to Perform the Bent-Over Cuban Rotation

  1. Set-Up: Start with a pair of light dumbbells. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend over at the hips, keeping your back flat and chest up.
  2. Elbows-Out Row: With your arms hanging down and palms facing your legs, perform a row by pulling your elbows out to the side until your upper arms are parallel to the ground.
  3. External Rotation: From the top of the row position, rotate your forearms upward until your hands are in line with your head, keeping your elbows in the same position. This external rotation targets the rotator cuff muscles.
  4. Lower and Repeat: Reverse the motion by rotating your forearms back down and then lowering your arms to the starting position. Aim for controlled movements throughout the exercise.

Benefits of the Bent-Over Cuban Rotation

  • Shoulder Health: This exercise strengthens the rotator cuff and scapular stabilizers, which are crucial for maintaining healthy shoulders and preventing injuries.
  • Improved Stability: By enhancing shoulder stability, the bent-over Cuban rotation helps improve performance in pressing and pulling exercises.
  • Muscle Activation: It activates multiple muscle groups, including the deltoids, rhomboids, and trapezius, promoting balanced shoulder development.

Incorporating the Exercise

Add the bent-over Cuban rotation to your upper body workout routine, especially on days when you perform incline presses or pull-ups. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps, focusing on form and control.


The bent-over Cuban rotation is a versatile and effective exercise for building strong, resilient shoulders. Whether you’re looking to enhance your shoulder stability or add variety to your routine, this movement is a valuable addition to any fitness regimen.

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