If you want to turn back the biological clock, you need to lift weights. It’s not just my opinion. Researchers from Tufts University have determined that muscle mass followed by muscle strength are the two top biomarkers of aging that you can control. Take a look below. In their book, Evans and Rosenberg determined a…

With the right approach, bodybuilding can be one of the best things you do for your body, mind and spirit. In the video above, Charles Eugster explains why rebuilding your body as you age is a great idea. Here are some of the key points from his talk: • Man has destroyed the wonder of…

Muscle mass tends to decrease as you age beyond your twenties. You can counter the “wasting away” process though with bodybuilding. It’s one of the best “anti-aging” remedies available to everyone, male or female. However, taken to the extreme, bodybuilding can accelerate the aging process and may even lead to an early death. When I…

As I mentioned in Getting In Shape After The Age Of 50, there are certain nutraceuticals, such as coenzyme Q10, carnitine, resveratrol, and turmeric, that seem to elicit anti-aging effects. Well, I’ve been working on a special formulation that combines specific ratios of these ingredients in a pill. Let’s take a closer look at my…

My eldest client is 87 years young. I’ve seen her twice a week since 1998. At the time, she was experiencing signs of osteopenia and her doctor recommended weight-bearing exercise. I got the call and her bone health has not been an issue ever since. She’s doing well not only structurally but functionally. It’s very…