A deadlift is a “dead” lift, not a “bounce” lift. Check out how Chantal performs the exercise. She maintains a flat back with the bar positioned vertically over her mid-foot throughout the movement. The weight is lowered in a controlled fashion and each rep begins from a dead stop. Don’t sacrifice form for weight. Chantal…
Take a look at this video… It doesn’t look like I’m doing much, right? There’s only 110 pounds on the bar, but it’s fairly challenging. Why? Because I’m only using my thumb and index finger to raise the weight! Take a closer look. Thanks to fellow strength coach Christian Thibaudeau for making me aware of…
Performing bent-knee deadlifts from a deficit with a wide grip forces you to pull from a deeper starting position, increasing knee flexion and overall range of motion (ROM). Stand on a 4-inch box, step, or three stacked weight plates, and take a wide grip—often called a snatch grip. To determine the correct width, raise your…