Here are two exercises that target the back of the shoulders – one emphasizes the contracted position and the other the stretched position: Give them a shot in your next program! For more rear delt exercises, check out Lateral Thinking for Wide Shoulders.

A great way to sequence exercises in strength training is to pair antagonist (opposite) body parts or movement patterns. Today’s workout featured two antagonist exercise pairings: A1. Standing Military PressA2. Semi-Pronated-Grip Pull-Up B1. Standing Mid-Grip EZ-Bar CurlB2. Prone-Incline Reverse-Grip Cable Pressdown Learn why pairing exercises in this manner is so effective in Three Squat Antagonists.

If an exercise doesn’t work for you or someone you train, then change it! No one is holding a gun to your head. There are many ways to skin a cat. Vary the exercise and if that variation doesn’t work, then use a completely different exercise to achieve the objective. Remember, if something doesn’t feel…

In the iron world, we’ve seen muscle devices come and go over the years – sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad – but the truth is that you can always find an alternative to do the job. All it takes is a little weight room ingenuity. Here’s a sneak peak of a…