For more tips, check out The Business of Personal Training: 20 Principles to Success.

In Part 2 of this series, we take a look at how aesthetics affects the exercises you select for your clients. Check it out!

Exercise selection is based on two main factors: health and aesthetics. Listen in as I break down the important components of each factor that you must consider when creating a training program for your clients.

One question I get frequently is “How many sets does it take to build muscle?” If you are a personal trainer, strength coach or bodybuilder, you know that the answer depends on your goals. How many sets to build muscle is based on whether you want to increase muscle size, power or muscular endurance. The…

Here’s something that’s very important for personal trainers, yet it’s rarely taught in the certification courses. It can make or break your business. Check it out!

In this video series, you’ll learn how to write a fat-loss program for your clients. A “must watch” for all personal trainers! You can access Part 2 at

Conducting periodic reassessments is important for personal trainers and their clients. Learn why in this video.

Here are three strategies that will help you retain your personal training clients for a long period of time.

Go to the HOME page of our website and sign up to our newsletter to get the full fat-loss presentation for free.

Here are some excerpts from the new book The Elite Trainer: Strength Training for the Serious Professional by John Paul Catanzaro. Visit and pick up your copy today! Sequence Rotation Most successful strength training plans will vary loading parameters on a regular basis. Exercise sequence is one such variable that can be altered between…