Meet Barb and Terry. This husband-and-wife tandem started training with me in November of 2017. They had different health histories and training objectives, but they wanted to workout together, so I designed a plan that would accommodate their individual needs and allow them to train at the same time. How did I do it? Learn…

Meet Barb and Terry. This husband-and-wife tandem started training with me in November of 2017. They had different health histories and training objectives, but they wanted to workout together, so I designed a plan that would accommodate their individual needs and allow them to train at the same time. How did I do it? Learn…

You go to an accountant to do your taxes, a lawyer for legal work, and a mechanic to fix your car, so shouldn’t you approach a professional for your fitness needs? Why do most people think they can do it on their own? Would you do a root canal on yourself? I don’t think so!…

We always tell potential clients that “you can’t put a price tag on your health,” but face it, the biggest drawback to personal training involves cost. It’s just too expensive for most people. They want to train their body, but they don’t want to spend an arm and a leg to do so! The solution…

You’ve heard the classic story: He started in the mailroom and now he’s running the company! Personal training is no different than any other business – you must start from the bottom and work your way up. As far as I see it, a career in personal training should follow this timeline: Late Teens and…

I’ve been in the business of personal training for 20 years and during that time I’ve seen far too many trainers come and go. On one end there are people that want to get into the business but don’t know where to start, and on the other end, there are trainers that have been in…

If you plan to go to just one seminar this year, this is the one! It’s on the business of personal training, but this talk will be a little bit different than all the others in the past. Most lectures on the topic focus on the present, not the future. When it comes time for…