The Best of Both Worlds

Here are two common questions in the strength world:

  • Should you train to failure or not?
  • Should you perform your reps fast or slow?

You’ll find experts on both sides of the debate, but the truth is that any stimulus works for a period of time until you adapt. However, there’s a way to combine these methods within a single workout for a powerful response.

Here’s how to do it…

Design your program so that each workout consists of four exercises: an “A” pair of exercises and a “B” pair of exercises.

The “A” Exercises:

  • Alternate between two antagonistic, multi-joint movements.
  • Perform up to six sets of low reps (4-6) at a moderate to slow tempo (4-0-2-0).
  • Use a 10RM load, leaving plenty of reps in reserve.
  • On the last set, go to failure.
  • Rest 90 seconds between sets.

The “B” Exercises:

  • Alternate between two antagonistic, single-joint movements.
  • Perform up to three sets of high reps (15-20) at a fast tempo (1-0-X-0).
  • Take each set to failure.
  • Rest 60 seconds between sets.

Here’s what a sample 2-day split would look like:

Day 1 – Upper Body

A1. Wide-Grip Pull-Up
A2. 60-Degree Incline Barbell Press
B1. Seated Twisting Offset-Grip Dumbbell Curl
B2. Standing Rope Pressdown

Day 2 – Lower Body

A1. Wide-Stance Back Squat
A2. Inverted Squat
B1. Seated Leg Extension
B2. Lying Dorsiflexion Leg Curl

The evil Russian Pavel Tsatsouline is known for recommending loads between 1/3 to 2/3 of maximum, whereas strength sensei Charles Poliquin advocated training to failure in most cases. Research suggests that at least one set should be taken to failure or close to failure for optimal gains. This program provides a balance between failure and non-failure training, maximizing both neural and metabolic adaptations.

With the “A” exercises, you get:

  • Multiple sets of high-quality reps without failure for neural adaptations
  • One final grueling set to failure for metabolic adaptations

With the “B” exercises, you apply:

  • Moderate- to high-intensity training for maximum gains
  • Low-intensity training to failure, which research shows can be just as effective

Fast-twitch fibers, which have the greatest potential for size and strength, are activated by heavy loads (slow speeds) and light loads (fast speeds). In fact, they can “leapfrog” past slow-twitch fibers if low-load reps are performed explosively (see page 20 of The Elite Trainer for more information).

By training to failure and non-failure and performing reps fast and slow, you truly get the best of both worlds—and more importantly, you get out-of-this-world results!

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