Time or Reps (Part 1)

When it comes to strength training, sometimes it’s best to count reps, and other times it’s better to regulate time under tension (TUT). Here’s an example of where counting reps can work to your advantage.

Rethinking Core Training

When most people hear the word core, they automatically think abdominals—and nothing else. Only the muscles visible in the mirror seem to count! The typical approach? Endless sets of sit-ups, crunches, knee-ins, and leg lifts.

However, dynamic movements like these can place excessive strain on the lower back. Research suggests there are better ways to activate the core while minimizing lower back stress—one of them being the side bridge exercise. And I have a special way of doing it!

The Power of Hybrid Movements

A hybrid movement combines two exercises into one. For example, you can combine the side bridge with:

Side Bridge Rear Deltoid Raise

Side Bridge External Rotation

Side Bridge Lateral Raise

These hybrid exercises allow you to train both the core and the shoulder stabilizers at the same time—a win-win situation!

Why Counting Reps Works Better

Here’s the paradox: these hybrid movements make the side bridge harder and easier at the same time. How?

Many people struggle to keep their hips up and maintain a straight torso during a side bridge. But when you add a shoulder movement, it shifts your focus. Instead of straining to hold the bridge for time, you concentrate on completing a set number of reps with the weight.

The result? You hold the position longer without even realizing it! In this case, counting reps instead of using TUT leads to better performance.

What’s Next?

Tomorrow, we’ll look at situations where TUT works better than reps in your training. Stay tuned!

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