Should You Train When You’re Sore?

In strength training, objective measures ultimately determine recovery. If progress has been made, then sufficient recovery has occurred. You’ll know by the first set:

  • If strength increases, continue training.
  • If strength does not increase, more rest is necessary.

An absence of muscle soreness is not mandatory for optimal recovery (see Warren et al., 1999). Still, other useful subjective criteria can help determine whether you should train on a given day. For instance, the recovery index outlined on page 97 of The Elite Trainer includes both subjective and objective measures to gauge recovery status. Answer all questions within 30 minutes of waking, and if you score less than 15, postpone any intensive training for that day. Instead, focus on stretching or other restoration methods to enhance recovery.

Before training, you can also assess recovery using a hand-grip dynamometer test for upper-body workouts and a vertical jump test for lower-body workouts. Record the best of three attempts before each workout. If your score is down more than 10% from your previous workout, you haven’t fully recovered and should refrain from training that day. Again, focus on restoration methods instead.

The Baseline Smedley Digital Hand Dynamometer is an excellent tool for testing grip strength, and the Vertec is the most common device for measuring vertical jump height.

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