During high-intensity training phases, a lower training volume means less energy expended. It’s important to adjust your calorie intake accordingly—otherwise, you risk storing excess calories as body fat. One way to manage this is by reducing carbohydrate intake, particularly post-workout. In fact, if body composition is a concern, you can skip post-workout carbs entirely and use amino acids instead (see page 17 of Mass Explosion).
According to Dr. Mauro DiPasquale, author of The Metabolic Diet and founder of the MD+ nutritional supplement line, if no carbohydrates are consumed post-exercise, the muscle retains its ability to fully replenish or even supercompensate glycogen stores once glucose becomes available—either through diet or gluconeogenesis. By keeping carbs low and protein high with amino acids, you can extend protein synthesis and promote a prolonged anabolic effect.
If you’re looking to build muscle size and strength without unwanted fat gain, give this approach a try and see how it works for you.