Here’s a superset routine that attacks the entire body one joint at a time. It’s a split routine where the lower body is trained on Day 1 and the upper body on Day 2. Each day starts with a proximal pair of exercises and progresses distally with each subsequent pair. In other words, larger muscles…

Consider the physique of a top-level gymnast, one who routinely performs dips from the parallel bars or rings, and you’ll appreciate what dips can do for you. But when you go from rigid parallel bars that you find in most gyms to unrestricted gymnastic rings, look out! Your stabilizers are in for a shock. You…

For more information, check out Muscle Devices And Weight Room Alternatives.

For more information, check out Muscle Devices And Weight Room Alternatives.

For more information, check out Muscle Devices And Weight Room Alternatives.

For more information, check out Muscle Devices And Weight Room Alternatives.

For more information, check out Muscle Devices And Weight Room Alternatives.

In July, I gave you 7 advanced exercise modifications. Two months later, I came back with another 7 exercise modifications for new growth. Well, today you hit the jackpot with 7 more exercise modifications. Line up those triple 7s and you’ve got a winning physique! Neutral-Grip Chin-Ups You know you’re supposed to vary the grip…

Get in a push-up position with your shoulders directly above your hands. Now, lower the forearms and elbows down toward the floor. Your biceps should make full contact with your forearms at the bottom. It’s not as easy as it sounds! Most people don’t get it right the first time, so I get them to…

Everyone does work for the back part of the lower leg, but hardly anyone does work for the front part. The tibialis anterior, the major shin muscle, is quite often neglected and it’s unfortunate because a significant discrepancy between this muscle and your calves can limit growth. Several loading options exist for the tibialis raise….