In some cases it’s best to count reps, and in other cases it’s best to regulate the time under tension. The prone lateral ball roll is an example of where it’s best to assign a time (like 30 seconds) rather than a rep number.

The reverse hyperextension is a great movement for the posterior chain. To really heighten the effect, resistance bands can be used to provide a greater overload where you want it (i.e., with the hips extended) and less where you don’t want it (i.e., with the hips flexed). The beauty of using elastic resistance rather than…

The reverse bench press is not mentioned often and I must admit, I don’t prescribe it too frequently either, but it can be a great triceps exercise. The big knock against it: comfort! It’s not a “wrist-friendly” movement, especially under a heavy load. But there’s a way to transform this into a winner, it’s called…

Ever since Anatomy Trains rolled out of the station, the fascia has received some serious accolades. Here’s an interesting movement that stretches the fascia from toenail to fingernail in a spiral-based manner using cable resistance. I picked it up from a York University colleague of mine, Yusuf Omar. Yusuf has worked with Ben Johnson and…

A good way to get strong on the Nordic hamstring curl is to use accommodating assistance from a lat pulldown machine but done in a special manner. Here’s how it works. Kneel on the seat facing away from the machine, and secure the back of your ankles against the knee support. Instead of using the…

If your goal is to build “barn door” wide shoulders, lean-away dumbbell laterals allow you to overload the top range of the movement where greater activity of the medial deltoid occurs.

In some cases it’s best to count reps, and in other cases it’s best to regulate the time under tension. The lower Russian twist is an example of where it’s best to assign a time (like 30 seconds) rather than a rep number.

Give a guy a set of dumbbells and tell him to curl them. Without even thinking about it, he’d grip those dumbbells right in the middle of the handles and with his palms facing upward, he’d go at it. Now, tell him to lay back and press them, and I guarantee you that his palms…

In my small home gym, I have three dedicated machines for calf training: a standing calf raise unit that goes up to 600 pounds, a seated calf raise machine, and a step platform equipped with a handle for one-leg calf raises. These are the sort of machines that you see in large commercial gyms, but…

Here’s an advanced abdominal exercise that your clients will feel the next day!