Research can provide important information to health and fitness professionals, but trying to keep up with it all can be overwhelming! Not to worry, I’ve done the legwork for you. Here are some current and not-so-current findings that I think you’ll find interesting. CURRENT RESEARCH Sleep in a Cave “These results demonstrate that a single…

One aspect of a meal that you can’t appreciate in a photo is taste. Today’s salad was crazy good! Each bite was unique and had so much flavour, and the fresh “rainbow-coloured” ingredients were chock-full of macronutrients (protein, carbs and fat), micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants), and fiber. Some “meatheads” suggest that salads are…

If you’ve read my book Lean and Mean, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of leftover dinner for breakfast and lunch. You make enough at night to carry you through two more meals the following day. It’s a convenient way to prepare your meals and stay on track. There’ll be the odd time, however,…

Research can provide important information to health and fitness professionals, but trying to keep up with it all can be overwhelming! Not to worry, I’ve done the legwork for you. Here are some current and not-so-current findings that I think you’ll find interesting. CURRENT RESEARCH The Anti-Aging Effect of Circuit Training “Circuit strength training provides…

My role as a Clinical Exercise Physiologist is to promote health and fitness. I do not manage disease. That’s what medical doctors do. For the most part, they manage disease by suppressing symptoms with drugs. It’s not the symptoms you should focus on, but rather the cause. Get to the root of the problem if…

The lure to eat certain foods can be very difficult to resist and once you give in to temptation, it’s almost impossible to stop after just one bite. Here’s why.

Every day we make thousands of choices – some big, some small – and every one of them can influence your life. Even the most minor choice you make can have a major impact. Before an early morning workout, for instance, you can choose to go out partying all night, or you can choose to…

My recent post on aluminum coffee pots sparked some interest. Some people have asked if cooking with aluminum foil poses a similar health concern. Well, a study was conducted on this subject a few years ago, and here’s what they found: The contamination of food is a major concern not only for developing countries but…

The first step toward healing the gut involves a procedure known as a Vitamin C Flush. This is a clinical pearl that I picked up years ago from Dr. Michael Wald, a holistic doctor who’s been nicknamed “The Blood Detective.” It’s a novel approach to treating many common gastrointestinal disorders, particularly Helicobacter pylori which infects…

In his How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy! presentation, Paul Chek mentions that the average medical doctor dies 10 years younger than their average patient. He goes on to suggest that every healthcare practitioner, including personal trainers and nutritionists, should be able to consult professionally in their underwear! In other words, they should practice…