This is a great time to increase the number of push-ups you can do. Let’s say your goal is to do 20 “strict” push-ups but you can only do about half that number right now, try this… Do 4 sets of 5 reps with 3 minutes of rest in between. That should be fairly easy…

Have you ever tried push-ups with Neuro-Grips? It’s like doing them on stilettos! Learn more about this neat tool at

My son has become a wizard on digital devices. Give him an iPhone, iPad or iMac, and he’s right at home. Of course, I’m not a big fan of Wi-Fi, so I make sure that he keeps any mobile device on airplane mode as much as possible. I’m also not a fan of the posture-destroying,…

Here’s a way to make push-ups more challenging. Place your hands on a wobble board with the feet elevated on a step and use a weighted vest to increase the loading. Aim for full range and make sure to keep the wobble board level with the core braced throughout the set. My 63-year-old client John…

Grade 9 was quite an experience. I remember it vividly – a new school, new classmates, and new teachers. One teacher in particular stood out more than the others. He was the physical education teacher and his name was Mr. Carter. Think of him as a military sergeant in sweats. This guy whipped us into…

Get in a push-up position with your shoulders directly above your hands. Now, lower the forearms and elbows down toward the floor. Your biceps should make full contact with your forearms at the bottom. It’s not as easy as it sounds! Most people don’t get it right the first time, so I get them to…