If you don’t know where you’ve been, you won’t know where to go! Without a training log, how can you truly gauge progress over time?
The goal of training is progression. That’s what differentiates those that train from those who simply exercise to sweat and burn calories with no rhyme or reason. Doing the same thing over and over again with no real progression is like hopping on a hamster wheel and going nowhere.
Remember how Einstein defined insanity?
Yet, you still see people doing this in the gym week after week, month after month, and year after year. They do the exact same thing, lift the exact same weights, the exact same way for the exact same number of reps.
What’s the point?
I want to improve over time with my training and so should you!
Slow And Steady Wins The Race
In order to keep track of what you’ve done in the past, you need to record your workouts. Don’t rely on memory. Write it down!
Keep a training log, refer to it often, and aim to make small and continuous improvements over time. That’s known as the Kaizen principle. It’s a key training principle that I follow and advocate.
Just be patient! You don’t need to make huge leaps every workout. Slow and steady will get you there unscathed.
Look Back To Go Forward
When I set up a new program, I look back at the previous numbers to give me an idea of the starting weight and what type of progression to aim for by the end of the program.
If you truly wish to progress with your training, make this a regular practice and watch how your numbers improve over time.
P.S. Many trainers are working at a reduced capacity right now. Take advantage of the extra time to learn. We have just lowered the price of our program design manual, The Elite Trainer. Pick up your copy today!

The Elite Trainer: Strength Training for the Serious Professional
The Elite Trainer is a synthesis of the very latest thinking in strength training and a comprehensive guide to developing individualized programs for your clients.
Intensity, volume, density, repetitions, sets, tempo, time under tension, rest interval, exercise selection and sequence, load selection, duration, and frequency are all covered in detail in easy-to-understand language. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a beginner, The Elite Trainer provides a wealth of information you can put to use immediately.