A great way to structure strength training is by pairing antagonist (opposing) body parts or movement patterns. This method helps increase range of motion, promote muscle balance around a joint, enhance recovery between sets, and ultimately improve performance—all of which lead to better results.
Some common antagonist pairings include:
- Leg extensions and leg curls
- Triceps extensions and arm curls
- Military presses and pull-ups
Now, here’s a question for you: What exercise is a true multi-joint antagonist of the back squat?
Think about it for a second. While not common, there are some options. Here are three:
1. Inverted Squat
This humbling exercise is performed upside down using gravity boots. Instead of just bending at the hips (as in inverted sit-ups), try bending both at the hips and knees. If needed, you can assist yourself by pulling on yoga straps suspended from a chin-up bar or by gripping your thighs. Just make sure to lower yourself under control without assistance.
2. Reverse Cable Squat
Stand directly under the high pulley of a lat pulldown machine, positioning the bar behind your neck. From here, squat down. To stabilize yourself, anchor your feet with heavy hex dumbbells. Start with a light weight—about one-third of your body weight—and perform high reps until you become comfortable with the movement.
3. Reverse Band Squat
This version is similar to the reverse cable squat, but instead of using a lat pulldown machine, you’ll suspend an Olympic bar from resistance bands in a power cage. You can position the bar behind your neck or perform an overhead squat with arms extended (see more here). As with the cable version, secure your feet with heavy hex dumbbells to prevent shifting.