Tiger-Bend Push-Ups

Get in a push-up position with your shoulders directly above your hands. Now, lower the forearms and elbows down toward the floor. Your biceps should make full contact with your forearms at the bottom. It’s not as easy as it sounds! Most people don’t get it right the first time, so I get them to start from the bottom up with their forearms resting on the floor before they “push up,” then they get it!

To decrease the difficulty, pivot from the knees instead of the feet. To make the exercise more challenging, elevate the feet onto a step. If your wrists bother you with this exercise, try positioning your hands on the edge of a step and see if that helps.

Hanging Garhammer Raise

Elevate your core workout with the Hanging Garhammer Raise. Great for targeting the lower abdominal region, this exercise heightens activation

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