The half-kneeling rope woodchop and reverse woodchop are two exercises that work your obliques in a “spine-friendly” manner. Give them a shot!

When it comes to kids and exercise, it’s important to make it fun. My son loves watching a show on Netflix called Ultimate Beastmaster, so we do our own version in the gym. It’s just a little obstacle course that gets him to run, crawl, jump, push, and pull. His goal is to try to…

A great antagonist movement for abdominal exercises like Ab 45s and the Reclining Field Goal is the Superman Back Extension. Do it on a back hyperextension or glute-ham raise machine. Extend your arms fully overhead and keep them in-line with your torso throughout the set. Now, raise your upper body up until it’s parallel to…

I discovered this unique abdominal exercise about a decade ago in the e-book The Bodybuilding Truth by Nelson Montana. According to Montana, abdominal development is genetically determined, and classic movements such as sit-ups and leg raises are ineffective for the abdominals but extremely effective for the psoas (hip flexor) muscles. Montana believes that the abdominals…

Here’s a way to make push-ups more challenging. Place your hands on a wobble board with the feet elevated on a step and use a weighted vest to increase the loading. Aim for full range and make sure to keep the wobble board level with the core braced throughout the set. My 63-year-old client John…

Inserting a pause at the bottom of a chin-up is a great way to reduce cheating and increase the muscular demand. It also serves another purpose: