The lure to eat certain foods can be very difficult to resist and once you give in to temptation, it’s almost impossible to stop after just one bite. Here’s why.

I have three days of feasting ahead of me, and it all starts tonight. You can bet my workout this morning is going to be a good one! Before I train, I’ll get my Rocky IV fix and when the session begins, this will be the first song I listen to: The holidays are a…

Q: I’m still very much confused regarding cardio intensity. One book says keep it low intensity (no more than 60% of maximum heart rate) and go for distance. Another book says to use high intensity (80% or more) and go for as long and hard as you can. The goal is to burn fat. Each…

Before you read on, watch this video: Now, you may be asking yourself what the big deal is? A few chin-ups, so what? Well, those few chin-ups were a big deal to me. That was the first set of supinated-grip chins that I performed after my distal biceps surgery. Trust me, it’s been all I…

The reverse bench press is not mentioned often and I must admit, I don’t prescribe it too frequently either, but it can be a great triceps exercise. The big knock against it is a comfort, or lack thereof. It’s not a “wrist-friendly” movement, especially under a heavy load, but there’s a way to make it…

At least once a week, take a salt bath for 20-30 minutes. Do this about an hour before bed. Make a complete restoration soup out of it by combining magnesium salts, sea salts, sodium bicarbonate, a few drops of calming essential oils, and a splash of apple cider vinegar. Experiment with different combinations to see…

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Back in the mid-1950s, Dr. Arthur Steindler introduced the concept of open kinetic chain (OKC) and closed kinetic chain (CKC) movements. In a nutshell, an OKC movement is any movement where the terminal segment (i.e., the distal end of the extremity of interest) is free to move in space, and a CKC movement is any…

A muscular imbalance typically exists between the shoulder internal rotators and external rotators. The majority of lifters need to stretch the internal rotators and strengthen the external rotators. The ShoulderHorn is a device that isolates and strengthens the external rotators in an abducted position. By supporting your upper arms, it isolates the infraspinatus and teres…