A New Challenge for Push-Ups: Feet-Elevated 1¼ Push-Ups

Think regular push-ups are too easy? It’s time to take your upper body workout to the next level with feet-elevated 1¼ push-ups. This advanced variation targets your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core with increased intensity, promoting greater strength and muscle growth.

Steps for Performing Feet-Elevated 1¼ Push-Ups:

  1. Set-Up: Place your feet on an elevated surface such as a bench or step. Get into a standard push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lowering Phase: Lower your body until your chest is just above the floor.
  3. Quarter Rep: Push up slightly (about a quarter of the way), then lower yourself back down.
  4. Full Rep: Push up all the way to the starting position. This completes one 1¼ rep.
  5. Repetition: Aim for 3 sets of 8-10 reps, maintaining a controlled tempo and a distinct pause at the bottom and top of the quarter rep.

Benefits of Feet-Elevated 1¼ Push-Ups:

  • Increased Intensity: Elevating your feet shifts more weight to your upper body, making the exercise more challenging.
  • Enhanced Muscle Activation: The 1¼ rep method increases time under tension, promoting muscle growth.
  • Emphasize Bottom Range: The quarter rep at the bottom enhances chest and shoulder stretch, improving strength at the hardest part of the movement.
  • Core Engagement: Maintaining stability with elevated feet engages your core muscles more effectively.


  • Keep your movements slow and controlled to maximize muscle engagement.
  • Ensure your body remains in a straight line from head to heels.
  • Incorporate this exercise into your routine 1-2 times per week for best results.


Feet-elevated 1¼ push-ups offer a demanding yet rewarding variation to your push-up routine. Integrate them into your workouts to build strength, endurance, and muscle mass. Give it a try and feel the burn!

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