Keeping Up with Current Research (August 2020)

Research can provide golden information to health and fitness professionals. Here are some recent findings to help you stay ahead of the pack:

High-Intensity Interval Training Improves Memory in Older Adults

12-weeks of high-intensity interval training performed 3 times per week leads to greater improvements in memory than moderate-intensity continuous training in older adults.

Given the relatively inexpensive nature of exercise as a therapeutic intervention, high-intensity interval training may be an effective strategy to counteract age-related declines in memory.

Note: Just like memory, high-intensity interval training leads to a greater improvement in body composition. Learn why cardio can make you fat in the long run if it’s not done at an appropriate intensity.

How Length Sizes Affect Body Composition Estimation in Adolescent Athletes Using Bioelectrical Impedance

Longer length sizes and especially longer lower limbs result in overestimation of lean body mass with BIA [bioelectrical impedance].

The accuracy of BIA measurements may decrease in athletes with length dimensions and body proportions significantly different than that of the general population.

Note: This study reveals yet another reason why you shouldn’t use biolelectric impedance to measure body fat. A DEXA scan or skinfold measurements are your best bet.

Prolonged Static Stretching Causes Acute, Nonmetabolic Fatigue and Impairs Exercise Tolerance During Severe-Intensity Cycling

Stretching reduced maximal force and augmented muscle activation, which in turn increased the metabolic response to sustain exercise.

Note: We’ve known for years that static stretching will make you weak. Add fatigue and impaired exercise tolerance to the list as well. If static stretching is something you do religiously as part of your warm-up, you may want to rethink your approach!

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