After decades of pain-free living, I was blindsided by lower back issues late last year. Everyday activities became a challenge, and squats and deadlifts were off the table. The turning point came from revisiting Dr. Stuart McGill’s literature, specifically Back Mechanic, Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance, and Gift of Injury. This deep dive inspired a…

Injury Prevention Strategies for Aging Athletes is a seminar that I’ve presented several times over the years to professional organizations like the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), canfitpro, Certified Professional Trainers Network (CPTN), and Ontario Society of Health and Fitness (OSHF). Eventually, that seminar became a webinar and now a book. The book is…

Training to do a one-arm chin-up involves a two-step process: a) Start with a mixed grip with your hands placed shoulder-width apart as I’m demonstrating in the video below. Each session increase the distance between your hands by one inch on each side. b) After six sessions, grab the bar with your right hand only…

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure The best way to deal with an injury is to prevent one from happening in the first place. Here are some suggestions to help keep you injury-free in the gym: 1. Proper planning between programs and within them. Staying on a program for too long…