Next time you do wrist curls, try doing them behind the back. You can also try high- and low-platform wrist curls or reciprocity training.

We all know by now that active recovery is better than passive recovery. It’s better to keep moving between sets than to sit on your butt. Physically, it helps flush out waste products, prevent blood pooling and lightheadedness, and keep you warm. Mentally, it keeps you focused and motivated. Moving between sets is one aspect…

A great way to sequence exercises in strength training is to pair antagonist (opposite) body parts or movement patterns. Today’s workout featured two antagonist exercise pairings: A1. Standing Military PressA2. Semi-Pronated-Grip Pull-Up B1. Standing Mid-Grip EZ-Bar CurlB2. Prone-Incline Reverse-Grip Cable Pressdown Learn why pairing exercises in this manner is so effective in Three Squat Antagonists.

Have you ever tried push-ups with Neuro-Grips? It’s like doing them on stilettos! Learn more about this neat tool at

Chin-ups are difficult for most people to do, especially for females. The average number of chin-ups a female can do is zero. A lack of strength and poor body composition are two of the main reasons, but the one that tops the list is perception. Most females perceive that they can’t perform a chin-up and…

This circuit training workout was designed to target specific areas: Close-neutral-grip chin-up: lats in a stretched position Incline pronated-grip dumbbell press: clavicular fibers of the pec major 1¼ back squat: glutes and quads (VMO) Incline dumbbell lateral raise: anterior and medial deltoids Seated dumbbell shrug: upper traps Standing calf raise: gastrocnemius To learn why I’m…

Give the hanging-band 90/90 split squat a shot. This unique exercise will ramp up stabilizer activity from the core down, so check your ego at the door and don’t go too heavy. Once you return to conventional split squats, you should experience a noticeable improvement. The key with the 90/90 version is to go straight…

When performing back barbell step-ups, find the proper step height first before playing with the load. Start with an empty bar and a low step position, and gradually raise the height until you find a position that is appropriate for you. Once you find the right height, you can gradually increase the load staying within…

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu used to experiment in the gym to find ways to fix weaknesses. One thing they discovered was that doing squats with a wider stance helped build the inner thighs (check out page 123 of Arnold’s autobiography Total Recall for more details). This is one area that I’ve been focusing on…

Here’s a way to decrease the stress on your shoulders during presses. Next time you’re in the gym, take a look at how people do presses. I bet most of them are using a pronated (palms forward) grip with their elbows flaring way out. That can put a lot of stress on the shoulders and…