Using elastic resistance during a lateral raise is a great way to overload the top range and thus place more emphasis on the medial deltoid. Positioning your feet wider apart on the tube increases the challenge, but eventually one tube may not provide enough resistance. If that’s the case, use two!

For several weeks now, 15-year-old Joseph has been working hard on hanging-band squats and assisted chin-ups. Friday night he was able to see what effect that type of training has had. After working up to 45 pounds a side on hanging-band squats, he was ready for conventional squats with the “big plates”. No problem! Now,…

The half-kneeling rope woodchop and reverse woodchop are two exercises that work your obliques in a “spine-friendly” manner. Give them a shot!

The Angles90 grips are great for pull-ups, but due to a lower starting position, additional loading with a chin/dip belt may cause the plates to rest on the floor in the bottom range. If that’s the case, use a weighted vest like the Xvest, which can hold up to 84 pounds.

Here’s a glimpse of my last workout. It’s a circuit training program based off a system I call Modern Muscle Moulding. You can read all about it in 3 Methods of Circuit Training to Shed Body Fat Quickly.

Here are some interesting moves from this morning’s workout. The first one I call an incline Telle forward dumbbell raise. It’s a move I picked up from Jerry Telle’s Beyond 2001 training manual. Great exercise for the anterior and medial delts and serratus anterior. Don’t go too heavy. The second is a low-pulley split squat,…

My son has become a wizard on digital devices. Give him an iPhone, iPad or iMac, and he’s right at home. Of course, I’m not a big fan of Wi-Fi, so I make sure that he keeps any mobile device on airplane mode as much as possible. I’m also not a fan of the posture-destroying,…

When it comes to kids and exercise, it’s important to make it fun. My son loves watching a show on Netflix called Ultimate Beastmaster, so we do our own version in the gym. It’s just a little obstacle course that gets him to run, crawl, jump, push, and pull. His goal is to try to…

A great antagonist movement for abdominal exercises like Ab 45s and the Reclining Field Goal is the Superman Back Extension. Do it on a back hyperextension or glute-ham raise machine. Extend your arms fully overhead and keep them in-line with your torso throughout the set. Now, raise your upper body up until it’s parallel to…

I discovered this unique abdominal exercise about a decade ago in the e-book The Bodybuilding Truth by Nelson Montana. According to Montana, abdominal development is genetically determined, and classic movements such as sit-ups and leg raises are ineffective for the abdominals but extremely effective for the psoas (hip flexor) muscles. Montana believes that the abdominals…